OC's currently played by HazMatMage#1191 on discord on the Aether Data Center.

Raylin Nadia

Age 27| Demisexual/Panromantic/Polyamourous | Nonbinary | Chaotic Neutral

4th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Keeper of the Moon - Miqo'te
150 ponze
5 fulm 4 ilm
Black with white/silver undertones, usually cut short and plain.
Eye color:
Heterochromia (Green/Blue)
Common accessories or markings:
Has a kink in her tail. Facial scars on cheek and near eye, has a few tattoos from her tribe hidden by glamour. Usually wears masks or eye coverings, unless hunting as she wears war paint, or if she is close to people she'll forgo all. Her clothing style varies depending on location/what she’s currently doing - she adjusts to her surroundings. Her dual fangs are notable as it is one of the traits easily seen to show that she is Meracydian linage.
She speaks Meracydian, Eorzean, bastardized Draconian, and has learned enough Doman and Hingan to trade in Othard. She's proficient in Allag, Nymian, and other old languages but she's no expert.

Borne to a Meracydian matriarchal tribe that secretly immigrated to Eorzea, she was raised to be self sufficient and a protector for her twin, though that was short lived due to a series of tragedties that would see her under the care of a Gridanian native. She was pushed to pursue knowledge further than just conjury by her benefactor to keep her out of trouble, something she welcomed and delved wholly into, as such is well educated and is able to practice as a chirurgeon.Despite her adoptive gaurdian doing his best to ease Raylin into civilization, she still held the urge to travel and seek her twin, this would see her adventuring for a time. Using the various knowledge and wealth earned from these ventures she would dip into many businesses, everything from legal to illicit, having found her brother; her thirst for knowledge would be unrestrained.She mainly deals with her inn and apothecary, but still takes the opportunity to hone her skills on the field to be able to seek out secrets, long forgotten spells or recipes, anything that can further her passion for aetherology and magic.Raylin may seem reserved with an air of politeness and benevolence, a facade that helps her hide her penchant for forbidden or unsavory topics of research, but earning her trust will let people see a far more easy going and sardonic side.

Azhu'a Nadia

Age 27 | Pansexual/Polyamourous | Nonbinary | Chaotic Good

Azeroth Revelin (former adventuring name), Wildling Hermit (by those he forgets to introduce himself to)
4th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Keeper of the Moon - Miqo'te
180 ponze
5 fulm 9 ilm
Black with white/silver undertones
Eye color:
Heterochromia (Blue/Green)
Common accessories or markings:
Facial scars on cheek and near eye, has a few tattoos from his tribe. Used to wear masks/face coverings, but as tends to do mercenary work often has resorted to war paint as his go to. His clothing style is whatever is comfortable and what fits his mood that day, but usually very reveling as he spends a lot of time in Thanalan. One of the easily notable trait of his Meracydian heritage he has dual fangs.
He speaks Meracydian, Eorzean, bastardized Draconian. He's proficient in speaking Hingan and Doman from renting an apartment in Shirogane, but struggles with all forms of written word.

Azhu'a was borne as a blessed twin to a Matriarchal Meracydian Keeper of the Moon tribe, taught to be a healer and learn to pass on traditions orally. After several tragedies occurring, (a murder of his aunt, his mother being KIA, and being separated from his twin), he was picked up by an adventuring couple consisting of Ala Mhigan refugee and a Seeker of the Sun. His tribal tendacies were nurtured and the lifestyle of a sellsword was romantaized for him by the exploits of his adoptive gaurdians.To most Azhu'a will seem polite and friendly, welcoming and curious, though a lingering sense of weariness seems to follow despite that. He is a pacifist by nature and does not like conflict, but a lifetime of misfortune and mercenary work has made his talents known that he is adept in combat as he is in providing succor, as such will not stand by to have his loved ones mistreated or bad mouthed.The once would be wandering nomad has made connections that will keep him returning to the city-states, picking odd jobs here and there, and working at various venues to those he's allied himself with. He's a jack-of-trades, keeping busy as often as he's found dabbling in vices, always eager to help.Despite his lingering in city states he always takes time to head into the wilds, feeling far more at ease hearing the Elementals than he is conversing with people.

Ihri'a Merah

Age 33 | Bisexual/Polyamourous | Male | Chaotic Dumbass

18th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Keeper of the Moon - Miqo'te
172 ponze
5 fulm 9 ilm
Red with white highlights
Eye color:
Heterochromia (Blue/Green)
Common accessories or markings:
Facial scars on right eye and cross scar on left cheek. Freckles and various other scars from scarification as well as arcane tattoos and tattoos from his tribe. As a notable trait of the Meracydian line, he has dual fangs, an easily seen aspect of his line.

Ihri'a was a but a mere child when his tribe immigrated to Eorzea, yet he still recalls the suffering of living on the wastelands.
The fact why he knows what its like struggling to scrounge up scraps to survive is why he's enamored with the land of Eorzea. Although he distrusts majority of most Eorzeans, as not only has he witnessed and experienced disdain, but his family still distrusts the northern countries as they pass their history verbally.
Ihri'a is narcissistic hedonist, but doesn't have the personality disorder. He has a desire to be admired and doted on, he doesn't have a regard for other's feelings unless he's formed an interest or relationship with people. He does have a sense of entitlement to being able to wander as Ray and Az do because he's from the main matriarchal line, he finds it unfair that they being from a 'lesser' line have more freedom than he does.
He's self reliant, so always works for the things he wants. Although he is wary of Northerners, he still treats people professionally as he works as a bard tender at Knights of Meracydia (Adamantoise/Mists/Ward 1/ Plot 2)
He's still very new to living outside his tribe, as his only way out of his family line is having a walking marriage with a different line from their tribe, so he's curious about the world around him.

Evrant Votremort

Age ???? | Pansexual | Male | Neutral Evil

Only gives the name Votremort
Though is the monster responsible for disappearances in the Shroud
13th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Duskwight - Elezen / Voidsent
180 ponze
6 fulm 5 ilm
Deep Forest Green
Eye color:
Common accessories or markings:
Facial scars and a long bow, a circlet that hints of illusionary magics as it hides the horns he now sports
He speaks Gellmorran/Padjali and Eorzean

This once Gelmorran Duskwight would have met a tragic end when Issom-Har fell to disrepair when one of the tunnels connecting to Issom-Har caved in. Had he not been found by a weakened voidsent he would have never been able to make a pact to prolong his life long enough to escape his would be tome.Despite this stroke of luck, it was more of a curse as the voidsent he tried to bind as a servant would instead be bound to his flesh and turn him into a creature that is neither truly voidsent nor truly spoken, in a constant state of decay and regeneration.He lives within the decaying tunnels of the Shroud, haunting the woods for prey, only looking to sate his hunger and his boredom. Though is known to be hired by mobsters and ne'er-do-wells in various city states as a means of of passing time and being paid for a meal that no one will be willing to look for if they disappear.
He's sadistic, haughty, and easily bored, holding himself with an air of an educated man despite his unsavory activities.

The Player

OOC Info:
I am a 20+ year old enby that loves roleplay that uses they/them/she/he pronouns.
I go by Mage/HazMat as I dont like my irl name.
I've roleplayed on ffxiv since around 2014 and have roleplayed on various forums well before hand.
I like to take screenshots and occasionally doodle.
Discord and in game prefered, but love rp in general so can rp on listed sites below.

RP Preferences:
18+ Rp parnters only please!
Prefer long term rp partners, but am fine with one shots and casual.
Am seeking rivals, friends, found family, etc for my characters!
Crime/Angst/Thriller/Adventure/etc are favorite types of RP, slice of life okay but not favorite if no character developments. I like to have bitter with my sweet plots
ERP not main goal, can timeskip or rp it, depends on comfort of partners/oc relationships.
Am 100% okay with lore-bending!
I am ALWAYS open to discuss things ooc before scenes!